The problem of the study was clear that despite the multiplicity of strategies, methods and styles of teaching in the educational process,\r\nbut the teaching process is still limited to the use of strategies and methods of traditional teaching, particularly in physical education\r\nmaterials that are practical. Strategies are characterized with clear control of the teacher without interference or giving the relative\r\nfreedom to the student. This is greatly refl ected on students from negative side as well as the failure to promote an atmosphere of\r\ncompetition between students and this is noted by researchers through their work as teachers and through their fi eld visits to schools\r\nduring application periods. In addition, the teaching staff of physical education lacks the change and to identify the latest trends in\r\nteaching methods including strategies and methods. Therefore, the study aimed to prepare special educational modules using fl exible\r\ngrouping strategy based on sensory motor perception training in learning some volleyball skills as well as to fi nd out the impact of using\r\nof fl exible grouping strategy based on sensory motor perception training in learning some volleyball skills. The researchers used the\r\nempirical method and selected the sample consisting of 60 students from middle stage, the fi fth grade literature section, with tests\r\nused in the research, exploratory trial, pre-tests and application of educational modules on the sample of the study and post-tests.\r\nThe researchers found the experimental group is better than the control group as it used fl exible grouping strategy based on sensory\r\nmotor perception training in learning some volleyball skills.
Emad Toama Radi, et al, 2016. The Effect of using Flexible Grouping Strategy\nbased on Sensory Motor Perception Training in Learning Some Volleyball Skill. Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 3(7):9-14.
To select players for the sport of fencing requires from the coaches characteristics of compatibility and responding motor speed. The coaches are working hard during the training period. They strive to develop them. The problem of the selection in the measurement of these two characteristics is made through some manual tests of time calculating by someone. This method does not give suffi cient objectivity in measurement because there is a lag of time between, on one hand the player movement during the start and fi nish and on the other hand the speed of the movement of the manual timer (it coincides in pressing the timer during the starting or stopping time at the end of the movement). Study aimed to design a sensitive electronic device that works in two ways to measure the compatibility and agility to respond the lower limbs with high accuracy and through the movement of the player tested themselves and consistently\nhigh. Use descriptive approach to students in the third stage and studied fencing of their number (57) students for the academic year (2015-2016). After manufacturing and rationing device and tests performed it for the purpose of the statement of the effi ciency and quality of the designer machine and the factory has been applied compatibility testing and the speed of the motor response to the sample of the research concluded:\n
The plant device is an electronic device is sensitive with precision high- quality, made for the fi rst time in the sports fi eld to measure (synergy+ kinetic speed of response).
The fi rst works in a different ways to measure the synergy and the second to measure the kinetic response speed of the lower limps.
The way to measure at the same time for training to develop those capabilities.
The mothed of manufacturing a simple, inexpensive, fast and raw materials available in the local markets and high quality, and sends a thrill of excitement through its use.
Fatimah Abed Malih, et al, 2016. Design and Manufacture of the Electronic Device to Measure the Compatibility and Speed of Motor Response Lower Limbs Fencing. Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 3(7):15-22.