SJSR July issue2020 | Issue 3 / JULY |
P. 1 - 7
This study aimed to investigate the effect of high-vs low-intensity interval training (HIIT vs LIIT) in physical and performance adaptations among physical education students at An-Najah National University of Palestine. The investigation was conducted on 20 Palestinian physical students during the preparation course for the academic year 2016/2017. Participants were divided randomly into two training groups (N =10). The intervention program lasted 8 weeks, with three training sessions a week and a pre-test and post-test on each variable were carried out to measure physical abilities (speed, power, flexibility, agility and endurance). Differences within and between groups were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures (time × groups). Results showed that LIIT protocol improves significantly all physical capacities where the highest percentage of variation observed in flexibility (350%), following by the capacity of endurance (11.89%), power (9.85%), speed (9.48%), and finally the agility which achieved a rate of (5.85%), while, The HIIT program also improves significantly all variables measured with a percentage of variation (150%) for flexibility, (10.89%) power, (9.36%) endurance, (7.84%) speed, and finally the agility has achieved the smallest improvement rate of (2.92%). Both low and high-intensity training are effective training method for motor development of the athlete but it is important to adopt the suitable protocol in term of intensity and volume of training according to the capacity to develop.
Qasem Dabeek, et al, 2020. Physical and Performance Adaptations to High-vs Low-intensity Interval Training in Physical Education Students . Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 7(3):1-7.
P. 8 - 18
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of some physiological and biochemical variables with physical composition as health indicators to raise awareness of the seriousness of obesity for women. A total of 120 women (aged 20-50 years) were participated in this study. The present study showed a positive correlation was proved between between physiological variables and physical composition. Also, a significant relationship was detected between fitness score and physiological makers. Body compositions are among the main major indicators for the primary detection of the participants’ state of health. The present study contribute to helping women reach an normal physical state by discovering the relationship between physical structure and certain physiological and morphological variables in the context of avoiding obesity. Suhair Salem Al-Shaqruni, et al, 2020. Relationship of some Physiological and Biochemical Variables with Physical Composition as Health Indicators to Raise Awareness of the Seriousness of Obesity for Women . Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 7(3):1-11.
P. 19 - 23
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of 6-weeks learning skills, using video instructions, on children volleyball players. Eighteen male Algerian volleyball players (age: 12.6±1.5 years; weight: 36.3±2.4 kg; height: 140.26±8.38 cm; BMI: 21.52±2.48 kg.cm-1) were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental group (video instructions and usual training program) and a control group (usual training program). Pre- and post-testing included measures of technical-tactical skills performance (time-motion analysis of volleyball match). Result showed a significant increase of technical-tactical skills and score performance for experimental group compared to control group. Also, a significant decrease of technical and tactical error for experimental group compared to control group. Video training including observation, correction and instruction seems to be a viable option for improving the technical and tactical skills of child volleyball players. Youssef Zekailiche, et al, 2020. Video Instruction Improve The Technical Skills Of 10-12 Year-old Volleyball Players. Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 7(3):1-5.
P. 24 - 28
Background: Cancer is considered as one of the fatal diseases in most countries. Despite the high medical care development, most cancers are resistant to treatment. Therefore, there is a continuous research for novel treatment methods. There have been increasing research interests in pomegranate as a result to its anticancerous effect, which is believed to be due to its high content of polyphenols. This work aims to study the effect of the pomegranate juice on the invasion of U87-MG spheres in 3D collagen model and on the migration of the same cells in 2D layer in scratch assay model. Methods: The 3 D collagen invasion assay and the 2 scrach assay was used to investigate the anti-invasive and anti-migration effects of pomegranate on the U87 cells. Results: Pomegranate juice has inhibited the invasion of U87- MG spheroids through the collagen in a dose and time-dependent manner. In addition, pomegranate juice showed more potent dose and time-dependent inhibition of migration of U87-MG cells in scratch assay. Conclusion: These results indicate that the 3D model was more challenging in evaluating the effect of pomegranate juice on the invasion of glioma cells
Manar Zraikat, et al, 2020. The Effect of Pomegranate Juice on the Invasion and Migration of Glioma Cells . Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 7(3):1-5.
P. 29 - 39
Background: Biomechanical parameters are an indispensable segment in the analysis of all throwing disciplines, including javelin throw. Based on the results of the parameters, the most successful techniques of the motor structure of the competitors can be designed, programmed and analysed, which could serve to create a projection for the top model of the javelin thrower. In addition to morphological dimensions and motor skills, kinematic parameters are extremely important in the resultant performance, and depend on the degree of technical preparation, technical perfection of each competitor, regardless of gender. Method: The sample included a total of 32 male and female World Cup finalists (Berlin, 2009; Daegu 2011), with the aim of determining the correlation and influence of kinematic parameters on the resultant success in javelin throwing. 10 kinematic parameters have been defined (release velocity, angle of release, angle of attitude, angle of yew, length of impulse stride, length of delivery stride, distance to foul line, duration of impulse stride, duration of delivery stride, duration to release). Results: Multiple regression analysis was applied and the necessary statistical parameters were calculated. The results of multiple regression analysis confirmed the high impact of the defined predictor system on the criterion (R=0,8743), where about 76% (R²=0,7635) explained the influence of the predictor on the criterion with a high degree of statistical significance (p<0,0001). Conclusion: release velocity has proven to be a dominant factor in best results..
Ratko Pavlović , 2020. Biomechanical Analysis in Athletics: The Influence of Kinematic Parameters on The Results of Javelin Throw of Elite Athletes. Swedish Journal of Scientific Research.; 7(3):1-11.